Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Everyday is Earth Day

The other day I was telling my husband how much I hate Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc. Now before you write me off as an insensitive jerk, please hear me out. It's not that I don't love my Mom or my Husband and I hate telling them how special they are to me, it's just that I think it is pretty pathetic to limit that to one "Hallmark holiday" a year. I would hope that I am telling them on a regular basis how much they mean to me and therefore it appears more genuine than contrived. So, naturally I feel the same way about Earth Day. The difference here is that the purpose of Earth Day is to raise awareness about living green, whereas I don't really see Mother's Day's purpose as raising awareness for moms. Anyway, comparisons aside, I hope that people will begin to see everyday as Earth Day, incorporating eco-friendly practices into their lives. Some easy ones are recycling, using biodegradable cleaning products (they are they same prices as their chemical counterparts), buying things used. I hope that those of you reading this will buy some of the items in my shop, but my greater goal is to show people how easy and fun it is to be environmentally friendly. I am not one of those anal people who refuses to eat anything that is not organic (no offense to those of you who may be way ahead of me in this), but I am trying to use my creativity to see how I might be a better citizen of this planet. I have only just begun what I believe will be a life long journey. Will you join with me in making everyday Earth Day?


Paul Wolfe said...

I agree whith your post. This is a valid point. I am trying my best to make every day Earth Day!

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