Thursday, June 28, 2007

Earth is in a state of 911

Have you ever wondered what do do with old batteries or cell phones? Do you have a bunch of half used paint cans sitting in your garage? There is a wonderful website, where you can find recycling centers in your area to recycle all of your hazardous waste. Did you know that it is illegal in California to put batteries or light bulbs in the trash can? Find out lots of great information like this through links on Earth911. It's important to recycle hazardous items properly so that mercury and other harmful chemicals don't enter the environment. Also, check see what items are accepted in your cities recycling program if you have one. I recycle lots of cans and plastic, but after reading the list on a link from this website I learned that I can recycle metal hangers, who would have thought? Recycling is more fun when you know how to do it!


Jacquelyn said...

just stumbled accross your blog, I love retro/recycling!

Salvage Life said...

Great! I'm glad you found me!

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