Wondering what I have been up to lately? I have been busy preparing for the baby's arrival! I had my final baby shower on Saturday and on Sunday I had a big Salvage Life Sale at my house. This will probably be the last sale for awhile. Let's see...what else?...setting up the baby's room, selling furniture we no longer need on Craig's List, clearing some of my clothes out of the closet in the baby's room, getting massages and Chiropractic adjustments for my increasingly painful back, going through baby hand-me-downs from family and friends, doing extra photo shoots and stocking up on merchandise so my business can make it through the newborn stage, and waddling my way through the mall to find Christmas presents.

My favorite three-layer dip from Trader Joe's. Sun-tomato, Pesto and Cream Cheese. How cute are those star crackers?

Pinwheels! Cream cheese, ham and green onions wrapped in a flour tortilla and sliced up. The other version has olives and bell peppers, Delicious!

Pretty centerpieces!

The cake was made of cupcakes and had the cutest little baby made of fondant on top.

My mom gave me a box of my baby things and I absolutely love this sailor dress! i can't wait for her to wear it!

My Grandma got me the travel system (stroller and car seat) that I registered for.

My sister Amy got me the most adorable white faux fur coat for her to wear next winter.

Me and my dear cousin Joan!
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