If you live in Orange County or anywhere in Southern California you have to make a b-line for this store right away. The clothes and necklaces from the first delivery sold so quickly, but not to worry, I just delivered a fresh batch. The girl's that work there are so sweet and you will just love the other products, they are all so unique and thoughtful.
So, I stopped apologizing long ago for infrequent blogging and shop updates, it has just been so hard with a baby and even before that with life in general. I just came to a new arrangement with my personal and work time. I am trying to separate the two a little more so I can focus on my daughter completely when I am with her and on my business when I am with it. Hopefully we will see a change and you will too!
Let me know how that is working for you! This holiday season has been wild trying to work on so many orders with two little ones - and I've had Lance helping the whole time. It's still crazy...plus, there's no one like mama, ya know? Anyway - it is so hard doing both half-way, instead of focusing 100% on either business or kiddos. Really cool to see your stuff in a brick-and-mortar - I just recently put my jewelry in stores...it definitely helps people to see/touch it. Happy Holidays Beth! You're doing a great job. ;)
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