The shop has been open just a few hours a week on Thursdays, which was fine during the summer, but now that the hubs is back to work full time, it's a little more complicated to be at the shop during those hours. Since my family and my mental health (me completely stressed out is fun for no one!) must come first, I've decided to go back to an appointment only schedule. I'm at the shop on and off throughout the week, so there is plenty of time to open up for customers, I just can't commit to be there at the same time every week because I never know how the week will go. It's taken me about two and a half years to embrace the ambiguity of what my days will hold, but I'm there now and you know what? I kind of like it! Know one tells me when to come to work or times my breaks. So what if I have to come home early because Ruby needs a nap or I have to make dinner, it gives me a great excuse as to why I didn't get very much done. :)

So if you want to come by the shop, just call me at 562-999-4750 or
email to make arrangements. We'll also have
parties and sale events from time to time because it's always fun to
have a crowd! A few photos of the shop and studio by Ashley of Love Lock & Co.
Oh what a shame that you can't be open regularly. The shop is looking really great though. I'm quite amazed when I read shop owners blogs from America and they say they only open a couple of days a week or by appointments, is rent really cheap over there? I have been looking at vacant shops here (in Auckland, New Zealand) for the last couple of months and can't even believe the cost of rent! It amazes me that any body can actually make a profit as well! Anyway all the best to you and I look forward to seeing more shop updates :) x
great job with the shop! looks lovely.
The shop looks AMAZING Beth!!! You have done a beautiful job decorating. i can't wait to see it for myself.
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