I recently conducted a survey of all you lovely Salvage Life customers and readers because sometimes it feels like I am over here guessing what you want and hoping I'm right. Well, I'm tired of guessing, I would rather just give you what you want. :) You told me that you want to see the following types of posts on the blog (listed in order, highest to lowest, all being over 50% of people wanted them):
Outfit posts mixing vintage & new
How to care for vintage items
New arrivals
Salvage Life picks from around the web
DIY clothing & accessory ideas
Decorating & entertaining ideas
Behind the scenes at Salvage Life
So this is what you can expect to see on the blog in the coming months. You also said that you would like to see at least 3 posts a week to keep you coming back. So you will find one New Arrivals post and two of the others each week. I hope this gets you excited because I can't wait to share some fun things with you! By the way, if you still want to share your opinions, it's not to late to fill out the survey, click here.
To start things off I'm going to do a little "SL Picks" post today...
I have been looking for some kitchen accoutrements for my recently remodeled kitchen, so where else to start, but one of my favorite companies? I am regularly sucked into the anthro/urban/terrain/bhldn vortex, what will they think of next? While browsing the terrain site I found these things which I could easily incorporate into my vintagey-modern home and life. I kind of strayed from my original kitchen themed shopping excursion, but it wouldn't be browsing if I didn't, right?

I think I am going to buy the hanging basket and the herb scissors and put the rest on my wishlist for later. Hope you liked my first "chosen by you post," can't wait to share more!
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