Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Housewarming Brunch with Friends

Have you ever met someone online and later become good friends in real life?  Isn't it the best?!!  I met Rodellee of Adored Vintage awhile back and it feels like we've always been friends.  She is such a genuinely sweet person.  Over the weekend, we celebrated with a housewarming brunch at her new place in Long Beach.  I'm so excited to have her in the same city!
 The lovely and inspiring Rodellee Baas.
 A little table by the front door where you make yourself a name tag.
Ruby was really intent on wearing her vintage best to the party.
 Fiona was very happy that day, she had just learned to sit up on her own.
 Sisters.  These girls love each other.
 Pancakes taste better when they are shaped like a heart!
 Simple decor.  I should have taken more photos of her studio.
Wall collections never fail.
 Succulents in a can, I think this was a house warming gift from one of the guests.  So cute!
 Vintage girls unite! Hilarious, I was ducking down because Rodellee and Rebecca are so petite.
Jeff, me, Rodelle & Robby.  Congrats on your new place, friend!

1 comment:

  1. It was so lovely meeting you and you wonderful family at the housewarming! Rodellee is just the sweetest. :)


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