Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meet Our Newest Team Member

  After working for myself and alone for five years, I love that my business has taken a turn to include more people.  When I hired Amy last year, it was stressful figuring out payroll and training her to do many of the things that I had done without a system that whole time.  I'm not organized (at all) and that really holds me back sometimes.  I'm trying, but I have a long way to go.  The thing that I didn't understand at the time, was that if I had other people doing all the shipping, product listings, etc., I would not only have more time to be creative and visionary about the future of Salvage Life, but I would have the mental space to actually dream, plan and execute my ideas. 
Here I am again with a new team member and I could be more excited!  Meet Kristina, she's a Fashion Merchandising major at Cal State University Long Beach (my alma mater!), loves travel (especially Italy), has an extensive scarf collection from what I hear and is just all around sweet and beautiful! She has already jumped right in with two feet and is doing a great job.  I look forward to working with her more and seeing where this semester takes us! 
(photos by emily goswick)

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