Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Temporary Home Office

We are officially moved out of our studio and back to my house!  The home office is positioned in the dining room and honestly, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.  I sure enjoyed the two years we had in our studio and I will never forget how great it was to get all of the merchandise and work paraphernalia out of the house when we first got the keys. I had been contemplating a move for awhile, so when the ideal retail space in my neighborhood became available, I jumped at the chance.  It's going to be a little nuts working from home for two months, but on June 1st we will have the keys to our new retail space at 3712 Atlantic Ave. in Long Beach and we'll begin renovations with an approximate opening date of July 1st.  I am so excited!  Over the next few months I will be re-writing my business plan, researching merchandise and making all the necessary preparations for the new store.  Salvage Life will be evolving to carry new pieces alongside the vintage in order to meet the growing demand for beautiful clothing in various sizes.  We will also have accessories, small decor and gift items.  Most of the new merchandise will also be available in our online shop.    

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