Yesterday I moved a bunch of things around in the studio to make room for this amazing card catalog I acquired. After doing so, I began to notice all the different types of drawers I have around here. The funny thing is, most of them are empty! I probably need to start organizing, but I think I'll just enjoy looking at them for now.
If you want to help me get rid of some things or you're looking for some affordable vintage shopping this weekend, come visit me HERE tomorrow. Most of my items will be $5 to $10!!!
I'm the same way. I have more organizational stuff than stuff to organize. I'm a sucker for drawers, baskets & bins...especially vintage!
These are lovely! Enjoy the gorgeous weekend, Kellie xx
But when drawers have so much character and so many stories behind them, who can pass them up? What life did they lead before? Hmmmmmmm.......
Agh, I'm so jealous of all these drawers! I'm constantly in search of the perfect storage/decorative items and the card catalogue is at the top of my life. So excited for you that you found one!
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